Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Episode 2 - "Finally, another presenter!"

This is episode 2, and instead of it just being me having a random drunken rabble, Lauren's joining me, so have a listen and see what you think. Shownotes:

- Hello and welcome
- Introducing Lauren!
- What do you think of the new music?
- Discussion: you're only able to be racist if you're white
- Discussion: the benefits of British against French
- Phoning Matt's Dad - failure
- Were there any British in the Second World War?
- Ridiculous fact of the day - Matt tests to see if it's true
- Swearing, cringing and arguing
- Scenes we'd like to see: something you'd never hear a chav say
- Tell us a little joke!
- Johnny Depp and Lauren's Dad
- Contact information
- Close of show
- Bloopers - First Time Nerves!

Want to listen? Listen here!

Thursday, 17 January 2008

Episode 1 - "Don't judge..."

This is my first attempt at doing anything like this. There's a whirring in the background because I don't yet have a headset, and so I was using my laptop microphone, which is built into the main machine. Here are the shownotes:

- Hello and Welcome
- Aspirations for podcast
- Members for podcast
- Discussion (with self): hobo for a day
- Discussion (with self): "bros before hoes" theory
- Institution watch (a very bad version of it)
- Ridiculous fact of the day
- Things I Hate About Life
- What will become of my podcast?
- What are my hopes?
- Contact information
- Close of show

Want to listen? Listen here!